research notes and sources

-Eilers, Christian. “Why Is Travel Important? Here Are 7 Important Benefits of Traveling.” Goodwall Blog, 16 Mar. 2021,,...%207%207.%20Traveling%20Can%20Boost%20Your%20Creativity.

- exposes you to other environments 

- makes you happier

- lets you disconnect from reality

- relieves stress and anxiety

- exposes you too new things

- boosts creativity

Mosebar, Sue. “The Hidden Negative Effects of Travel (and How to Combat Them).” BioTrust, 18 July 2019,

- Jetlag

- Stress

- Increased gas

Kendra Cherry, MSEd. “How Do Psychologists Define Happiness?” Verywell Mind, 7 Nov. 2022,

- Getting regular exercise, this includes hikes in nature

- Cultivating solid social connections 

- Find a sense of purpose in life 

- Rather than overvaluing things such as money, status, or material possessions, pursuing goals that result in more free time or enjoyable experiences may have a higher happiness reward.

Hurst, Laurie. Interview. Celina Dass. 6 June 2023. Conversation 

         "Some people say money is the key to a happy u life, but it's not. spending time with the people you care about and doing activity's that you enjoy actually make you a happier person. reducing the amount of stress in your life also makes your life significantly more enjoyable."

Sparks, Emma. “7 Ways Travel Can Benefit Your Mental Health.” Lonely Planet, 25 Apr. 2023,

 Getting out of your comfort zone and exploring a new place can have a remarkably positive impact on your emotional wellbeing. 

- Taking a break from your usual routines with a trip away from home can help break negative cycles, get you out of a rut and reveal a world of possibilities beyond your bubble.

- Travelling gives you a different perspective on life

- An act of self-care, the focus of planning a trip and the excitement 

Work Cited 

Eilers, Christian. “Why Is Travel Important? Here Are 7 Important Benefits of Traveling.” Goodwall Blog, 16 Mar. 2021,,...%207%207.%20Traveling%20Can%20Boost%20Your%20Creativity.

Hurst, Laurie. Interview. Celina Dass. 6 June 2023. Conversation

Kendra Cherry, MSEd. “How Do Psychologists Define Happiness?” Verywell Mind, 7 Nov. 2022,

Mosebar, Sue. “The Hidden Negative Effects of Travel (and How to Combat Them).” BioTrust, 18 July 2019,

 Sparks, Emma. “7 Ways Travel Can Benefit Your Mental Health.” Lonely Planet, 25 Apr. 2023,
